Wednesday, November 27, 2019

100 Easy Drawing Ideas to Spark Your Inspiration

100 Easy Drawing Ideas to Spark Your Inspiration SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Whether you’re an experienced artist or a beginner, one thing’s for sure: drawing ideas are hard to come by. Though it might be tempting to wait for the inspiration to strike you, many people recommend spending some time drawing every day to build your skills! You don’t have to produce a masterpiece every day, but investing just a little time in honing your skills can make a big difference over time. But that raises the obvious question of what you’re going to draw. Rather than letting yourself get frozen with indecision, let this list of cool drawing ideas be your guide! You don't have to venture off the beaten path for inspiration... but you could! Where to Find Drawing Ideas Drawing ideas are everywhere. Unfortunately, it may often feel like you’ve exhausted every option around you. Maybe you get sick of drawing your favorite character over and over again, or there’s only so many ways to sketch your cat. You need inspiration! Where to Find Drawing Inspiration One of the most important things you’ll learn as an artist is the concept of a â€Å"creative well.† When you create things, it uses energy from that well. That’s why sometimes you might feel like you just don’t have any good ideas left- you’re working on an empty well! But an empty well is only temporary. Refill your creative coffer by seeking out art that makes you feel good and inspires you to create. You can watch artists livestream on Twitch or flip through social media like Instagram or Tumblr to see what others are creating. Browse art books by people that inspire you or go to a museum. Get really old school and do what artists of the past used to do- take a walk outside and see what the world has to offer. All these activities are ways to replenish your creative well. Once you’ve gotten some inspiration to draw from, you’re ready to get back to work! All those paint splotches are signs you're growing! What to Draw to Improve Your Skills Sometimes you run into an art block because you feel like your skills aren’t improving. This is often known as a learning plateau- when you start, your skills increase rapidly. As you continue practicing a skill, your work starts to look the same because you’re working on refinement. Later, you may spike upward again, only to hit another plateau. This is a natural part of learning, but the feeling of stagnation (even if it isn’t real!) can be discouraging. If you feel like you’ve hit a plateau, keep going! But also try spicing up your artwork with some new skills, such as: Life Drawing Life drawing challenges you to draw people from real-life models. You can take a class in real life or even online. There are also tools like Line of Action to give you the experience of a life drawing class, including short-term drawings to practice gestures and longer drawings to really hone your skills. Practice a Different Medium If your digital art skills feel stagnant, try spending a little time with old-school pen and paper. If pencils are getting you down, try watercolor. If watercolor’s no good, bust out the finger paints! Sometimes a new medium is just what you need to ignite your inspiration. You can always return to your favorite medium later, and spending a little time on something else can remind you of what you love about your favorite. Try a New Style If your art tends toward hyperrealistic, play around with a different style. Get cartoony or abstract. The same is true if you prefer a cartoony style- getting outside of your comfort zone can be a lot of fun! Fun Drawing Challenges Art block is common among artists, and people are always coming up with new ideas to combat it, such as drawing challenges. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, try taking on one of these challenges! Inktober: Though it’s meant to be done during October, you can work on your inking skills any time of year! Lili’s Drawing Challenge Character Design Challenge Draw This in Your Style Challenge: Artists on Twitter and Tumblr often participate in a challenge to draw one another's’ images in their own style! Tons More from Doodle Addicts Sharpen your pencils and clean off your brushes! 100 Cool Drawing Ideas If you're still stuck for inspiration, good news! We've compiled a list of 100 different prompts to spark your imagination and get your creative mind working. Nature A fern Your favorite animal A succulent An animal that has gone extinct A mountain An animal that lives underground A strange cloud formation A body of water A natural rock formation Your favorite flower Ivy The animal you LEAST like drawing A pomegranate A celestial body A venomous animal I'm partial to raspberries, myself. Your favorite fruit Your state flower A poisonous plant An animal skull A mythological animal A carnivorous plant Something with fangs A crystal A mollusk Something furry People A person with a big nose Your favorite fictional character Someone you know in real life A person you’ve never met but wish you had A historical figure A criminal Arandomly generated character A bodybuilder A mythological figure A musician Three extremely adorable ghosts. A ghost Someone who has the job you’d like to have Someone you see at a coffee shop A silent film star Someone you find on Instagram A scientist A wizard Someone in historical fashion Someone wearing a complicated outfit A person wearing clothes you wish you owned A witch Someone with your ideal hair A person with a different body type than your own A person who lives under the sea A person who lives under the ground Scenes Your favorite coffee shop A place you wish you could go A place you made up Somewhere where magic might happen A scene from space A scene in the future A scene in the past Somewhere calming A scene with lots of trees Your kitchen Somewhere extremely unsafe A city street A farmer’s market A scene from a fictional setting Real places can be great inspiration. Somewhere with lots of neon lighting A fancy house A very normal house A path in the woods Somewhere you’ve dreamed about Your friend’s bedroom Your favorite restaurant A place you’ve visited as a tourist A garden A bookstore Your favorite aisle of the grocery store Objects Your favorite food Something you ate a lot as a child A dessert A ship What you use to draw Cute AND inspiring! A terrarium A magical staff A sword A laser gun An outrageous coffee cup A fantasy food A sci-fi device you made up A car A new book cover for your favorite book A made-up video game console A logo for a company you like A clock An unusual camera A bookshelf An empty bottle A full bottle A piece of armor A window with something outside Eggs of some kind Candles What’s Next? Now that you're inspired, turn your skills into a careerby checking out this list of art schools in California! Looking to turn your art into cash you can use for college? There are lots of art scholarships out there to help you do just that! Art scholarships aren't the only kind out there- there are lots of other kinds of scholarships for high school seniors!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Peter the Great

Peter the Great Free Online Research Papers Pyoter Alekseyevich, or Peter the Great, was the king of Russia in the Late 1600s and Early 1700s. Under his rule, Russia went under great change when he â€Å"westernized† society. He also achieved in government and politics. Peter the Great was a very powerful and influential absolute monarch. Peter the great had much strength. A notable area of strength was his military power. He reformed the Russian military. He westernized the military through officers brought to Russia. The quality of Russian artillery was improved. He also established military schools to train government officials and military officers. Peter the Great succeeded in many areas. He succeeded in social reformation, reforming government and politics and capturing more Russian territories. His work consisted of claiming territories on the Black Seas and on the Baltic, in order to establish direct links with central and Western Europe to end Russia’s isolation. His government and social structure remained intact until the Revolution of 1917. His remarkable military victories and the nature and impact on his reforms raised a lot of controversy in his time. Peter the Great had a huge impact on the Russian society during and after his reign. Before, Russia was controlled by Mongolians. Overthrown by Ivan the Terrible, Russia was no longer under their oppression. When Peter the Great took the thrown, he wanted to break the isolation of Russia. He reformed society and westernized the culture after taking a trip to the West. Peter decided to take on â€Å"selective westernization† of his country. He changed financial and political ways, he controlled foreign and domestic trade, and he strengthened the military and changed society in general. He also transferred the capital of Russia to the new city of St. Petersburg, where he later died. This also symbolized the Western orientation of Peter’s reign. The reforms of Russia were not only designed to strengthen Russia as a nation, but strengthen his rule. Peter’s methods withstood till modern times, and his reforms definitely had an impact on Russia’s history, caus ing Russia to emerge from its Byzantine-Asiatic medieval past. Peter the Great made a lot of changes to Russia, for the better. His reign was known as â€Å"The Great Reformation†. His rule was absolute monarchy. Although Russia’s reformations were good, all the changes were in his eyes. Peter demanded total loyalty. He punished those whole feel into disfavor or suspected of disloyalty. Peter the Great actually had his own son tortured and killed because he suspected he was involved with a plot to repeal his reformations and cooperate with Russia’s foreign enemies. Not only did he have unjust accusations, but he forced upper-class to wear western styles. He brought down the power of the richer upper-class and gave opportunities to the lower-class; the upper-class was not pleased with this movement. Peter the Great had a prominent impact on Russian society and history, and was a great ruler in his time. Research Papers on Peter the GreatAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Effects of Illegal ImmigrationQuebec and CanadaBringing Democracy to AfricaCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andPETSTEL analysis of IndiaArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Indigenous Studies Article Summary & Analysis Essay - 1

Indigenous Studies Article Summary & Analysis - Essay Example Likewise, it clarifies how the marginalized groups keep on agitating for legitimacy and political acknowledgment as a way towards liberation1. Borrow tries to bring out the courts definition of indigenous rights, and it is to my consent that its definition is based on distinctive cultures of indigenous communities as they existed in the old days. Additionally, I note that he recognizes indigenous rights as being founded on continued recognition of the customs and the laws of the indigenous people. Borrow has additionally highlighted the subject of the rule of law. I agree with his writing that oppression of the indigenous communities can be prevented through the continuous application of the rule of law. Based on indigenous communities, affirmation of the Crown Sovereignty has been the main cause of disruptions and chaos. He views the rule of law as a supreme ideal that can be realized if unbiased and non-arbitrary approach to legitimacy of Crown sovereignty is put into practice. I find that Crown Sovereignty is the foundation for the establishment of the colonial supremacy which led to things such as peace, stability and order to colonial settlers2. In the meantime, colonial supremacy brought about disturbance to the colonized. Borrow sees the rule of law as subject to sovereign power that is characterized by its monopoly nature of power. It is from his book that I figure out that since there was and is no foundation for the attestation of colonial sovereignty, there emerged ill-use of power that demeaned the value of the rule of law. The book also helps me to identify several cases where indigenous law has failed to be recognized. Historically, native law and interests have been alleged as a problem to the Crown law that is dominant in Canada. This line of thinking has aided me to note the disappointment of recognition of Indigenous law and interests, which, has thus, brought about the legitimate, political, social and economic